Noa originally learned knitting from her great aunt Marshy. Marshy took care of her while she was a young child and wanted to give Noa the value system of being creative, and developing as many skills as possible. Noa opened the store right before her aunt Marshy got diagnosed with cancer. Marshy would come into the store and help Noa every day until she couldn't anymore. Everyone that knew Marshy loved her, and she became the entire store's "Aunt Marshy". Through her battle with cancer Marshy had to resort to being in a wheelchair but that didn't stop her. She put a poster on the back of it advertising To Be Or Knit To Be. To describe Marshy in one word Noa said, it would be stubborn. "She didnt want people to see her as a patient, or a victim. She was a fighter. Although Marshy was a figter, on March 29, 2010 Noa lost her business partner, her mother figure, and her best friend. Noa keeps her great aunt's values throughout her business and life.


We take pride in the staff that we choose to work in To Be Or Knit To Be. All of our staff represent the values that we have woven into our store. Aria, Melissa, Eden, and Rachel are the four best salespeople we have ever had and they are all very sweet and approachable girls. In our male staff we have Jason. Jason manages all our financial areas and is also the person to go if you want to arrange an event or party using our facilities.
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